My girl |
The two sides of my heart |
Daddy's Boy |
What a card! |
These are the people that drive me to get up every day, inspire me, love me, frustrate me and make me drink. When you are a starry eyed little girl, you never imagine how hard being a spouse and parent can be. It is all sunshine and rainbows. Yea, right. We have been married almost 15 years. Ten of those trying to create a family. Some days I feel as if I have lived an entire lifetime in those 15 years. We have crammed in a lot. Much of it pretty stinky, some really awesome. But it has taught me one thing. God has a plan. Sometimes it involves a two by four to the back of the head, other times, deathly silence. He always has an interesting sense of humor, but He has a plan nonetheless. And He will let you in on it when He is good and ready.
Until then, you just gotta suck it up.